Monday, October 12

CoffeeShop Website Sample!

This website is a CoffeeShop design sample of my two-column template. If you want a one-column photoblog/website, you can see a sample design here.  If you prefer a top menubar, visit this sample site.  I install a beautiful new template that allows you to post large images that look great on tiny smart phones and a sidebar for ads, buttons, etc., a top header with your logo/title, an optional photo slideshow under the header,  a drop-down menubar (with custom social buttons such as Facebook and Pinterest), a post divider between each post, favicon and a customized background surrounding your site.  My website designs run beautifully on computers, tablets, and smart phones.

My designs also come with full installation on your Blogger-hosted site and  detailed instructions for  maintaining your site and updating the design elements and menubar.  I also include a set of web storyboards to display your images, perfectly sized to fit your new website.

My design fee is a one-time cost and Blogger hosts your new site for free!  Additionally, Blogger is owned by Google, so your new site is automatically sent to Google search.

I can design blogs or websites for photographers, crafters, bloggers, artists, digital designers, etc.  I love working with newbies and I will make sure you love your new site.

Any questions?  Just email Rita at  I look forward to designing for you!

© CoffeeShop Photography